Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Sudden Resolution

I suddenly have a resolution when I woke up at 7am this morning.

I never had a resolution. Why bother now?

Because the resolution is part of a long term plan to be pretty and young.


My resolution is...........

To sleep earlier.

I've started sleeping earlier since last semester.

Rarely exceed 1 am.

This semester I aim to sleep by 11pm.


Ok, maybe I should give myself some allowance.

I'll sleep latest, latest by 11.30pm.


To cut myself some slacks, sometimes 12am also can la.

There. Such an achievable resolution.

So proud of myself.

Argh. I look stupid.

I look like a goon because this young lady insisted that's the way to pose for the camera. -_-! The hand must like that de according to her.

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