Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I watched Oprah


The topic was kind of interesting.

Sex appeal!

According to studies, women release a certain smell called Cupolin (I think so) when they are at their ovulation period.

Notice something?

So many biology words.


I'm so proud of myself!

And guess what.

This Cupolin makes men lose their judgement and sense of taste.

Ya. It's true.

They did a test where they let men inhale Cupolin before showing them pictures of not-so-attractive women.

The result--------> Women that men usually find unattractive are rated attractive.

So funny.

Of course they said many other interesting stuff. This tops it all I guess.

Couldn't stop laughing.

But again, it's useful information.

Ask anything from your boyfriend during that time confirm get.

Maybe should try.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Be strong & courageous

The famous Deuteronomy line.

At least the one that's stuck in my head.

During Bible study, many people were curious and wondered why Moses kept saying that to Joshua.

I mean, Joshua was pretty courageous.

He said to go attack the land even though there were giants (Besides Caleb la)

He was always with Moses.

Be strong and courageous.
Be strong and courageous.
Be strong and courageous.

Maybe it's the say three times concept, can remember better.

Maybe not.

Maybe it's for those that seem strong.

For those that seem courageous.

For those that need to be strong and courageous for the sake of others.

Maybe Joshua felt afraid and weak deep inside.

Maybe only God and Moses knew.

Whatever it is.

It's nice to know that Someone knows our innermost thoughts and feelings.

Monday, March 15, 2010

DMSJ was fun

I feel older and younger each time.

Odd but true.

I love it when different churches come together for a single purpose.

I love seeing how different we are and yet still similar.

I love seeing familiar old faces.

I love seeing export and import.

How MGC people are now worshipping in DGC and DGC youth in SAGC etc etc.

Totally unrelated.

Where in the world did I find time to blog?

I have no idea.

Time seems to outrun me these days.

Is time moving faster or is it just me slowing down.