Friday, January 09, 2009

A Strange Man

He smokes. He appears. He disappears.

Such a strange man.

At 12.30pm on Wednesday, a strange man was outside my house, staring into the house. My house mate just came back after assignmenting (Heh. Curi the term from Hwei) and they spotted the strange man in front of our house. They decided to stay in the car until he disappear.

Unfortunately he came towards them instead. He leaned against the car window with both his hands and mouth and asked, 'Is there room for rent?'

Such an odd thing to ask at such an odd hour by such an odd person. o_O

Of course they said no. Ahha.

Then he asked again, 'Do you know anywhere else where there's room for rent? I came from somewhere quite far to look for room.'

Doubly weird. Of course they said no again.

Then he went two houses down the road and continued starring. After that he disappeared. My house mate couldn't spot him anywhere. They even went around in the car to find him but couldn't. He was wearing black la. So pretty difficult to find.

After that, her friends in the car decided she shouldn't come down and should just spend the night at their place for safety purposes. Who knows whether the strange man might suddenly jump out of no where and knife her.

There. A strange man lingering outside my house.

You know what's creepy?

I forgot to lock my car that night. I think God was merciful and decided to keep the strange man away. It really was a blessing that my house mate went assignmenting, had a super late dinner and talk talk talk talk till 12 something. Ahhhaha. Otherwise, maybe the strange man would have entered the pouch and slept in my car.

Then I would have pengsan in the morning.

Thank you, thank you God.

Time for assignmenting. Bah.


hwei said...

yah! thank God for assignments!

Shuen said...

Ahha. Ok.

mau said...

enter the porch.. not pouch.. i wonder how he can fit into a pouch... = = ahahaha... anyway, be careful ya? ^ ^

Shuen said...

Oh right. Typo error. Xiao di di so observant. Clever! ^_^