Friday, February 15, 2008

I'm sick

Almost threw up during breakfast yesterday. I had one cup of tea, one half boiled egg and one piece of bread. Was diagnosing myself and came up with the following.

Reason One. My stomach is merajukking. Due to excessive eating during CNY, the stomach is now in shock and refuses to take food. In a way, once it cools down I'll be back to normal.

Reason Two. There were worms in my stomach. They gobble all the food I eat. So i had to eat more. Now they're all just dead. So I don't have to eat so much anymore.

Reason Three. I'll be having my yearly diarrhea soon. The one where I can't eat anything and vomit water.

I'm hoping its reason one or two. Hee.. Reason three will be BAD. I hope it never ever happen again!

Miss my roomie.. Its been almost 3 months. Hope to see her soon.Miss the shopping, the night talk, her cooking, her laugh, her calling me jing tse shuen. Ya. I miss her.

Ck said I fatter d. :( sobz.... Not in self denial. I am fatter. But coming from him made it hurt a little. Well....... Working on it.

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