Friday, September 19, 2008

Do you know? I did not know

Do you know when giving a copy of your IC, you should always cross and label it?

I did not know. Now I do. ^_^

During class one day, a lovely lecturer mentioned about consumerism. She spoke about consumer rights and specifically taught us how to protect our identity from being stolen. Our identities can be used for a number of things, such as applying for loans. Thieves may conveniently use our identity to apply for loans without having to pay a single cent. All they need is a photocopied IC.

In order to prevent such terrible ordeal, always cross your IC with the appropriate label.

For example:

This is a copy of an identity card*

Suppose we're giving a photocopied IC to JPA

Wonder if we can cross it anyhow we like

*Disclaimer: The above identity card is fictional and solely for the purpose of illustration.


hwei said...

getting more and more sampat. -_-"

ô LoOi LoOi ô said...

I m agreeing with Hwei :D

u can cross it any way u want larr :P siao poh~

Shuen said...

[hwei]: No lar. Where got sampat. blueh. It's creativeness overflowing. Or in eyeshield 21 terms, creativity MAX. Hehehe.

[Looi]: Ahha. Mana tau right. Lecturer only cross one way. Hee. UPM made me SIAO.