Why do people always say, 'Busy like a bee'? Just because it rhymes?
Why can't it be 'busy like a lalat'. It sounds more Malaysian.
Which reminds me I look like a lalat in my roommie's shades. Huge glasses don't work for me. SO OBVIOUS.
Why can't it be 'busy like a lalat'. It sounds more Malaysian.
Which reminds me I look like a lalat in my roommie's shades. Huge glasses don't work for me. SO OBVIOUS.
Busy, busy, I'm busy like a lalat!
Semester started on the 7th July. Exams are in red and assignment due dates in green. (I can only keep track of things one month ahead. So October onwards will have to wait. :p)
Assignments NOT yet even started doing
1. Audit II
2. Advance financial accounting
4. Corporate Social Policy (Due on 26th Aug)
5. Accounting Theory Presentation
6. Corporate Social Policy Presentation
And so you see, I'm at week 7 of the semester and have not finalized my project title, have not study sufficiently for exam tomorrow, have not done the assignment due in next week and have not gone back to Melaka and there are still tons of assignments. T.T
There are some friends taking 3 exams in week 8. Some even have 4 exams all in the same week. Xiao man.
UPM = Universiti Peperiksaan Malaysia
I want to graduate. Why does it feel like it's so impossible to achieve?
Was so sad on Sunday and thought a little camwhoring would help me feel better. Even I feel sad watching myself so sad.
God, help me believe this verse. Make it real.
With men, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible
*choke choke*
All things are possible with God
Ok time to study.
Shuen sudah pening pening lalat, nyawa-nyawa ikan.
My BM not bad. *muka bangga*
Lalat-woman, lalat-woman..
Does wateva a lalat can..
Can't spin web, can't catch flies..
She really can't, no matter how hard she tries..
Look out... Here come the Lalat-Woman..
Hahaha... Ur theme song... = P
Lol. Xiao di di. Not bad. Not bad at all. :)
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