The topic was kind of interesting.
Sex appeal!
According to studies, women release a certain smell called Cupolin (I think so) when they are at their ovulation period.
Notice something?
So many biology words.
I'm so proud of myself!
And guess what.
This Cupolin makes men lose their judgement and sense of taste.
Ya. It's true.
They did a test where they let men inhale Cupolin before showing them pictures of not-so-attractive women.
The result--------> Women that men usually find unattractive are rated attractive.
So funny.
Of course they said many other interesting stuff. This tops it all I guess.
Couldn't stop laughing.
But again, it's useful information.
Ask anything from your boyfriend during that time confirm get.
Maybe should try.
The topic was kind of interesting.
Sex appeal!
According to studies, women release a certain smell called Cupolin (I think so) when they are at their ovulation period.
Notice something?
So many biology words.
I'm so proud of myself!
And guess what.
This Cupolin makes men lose their judgement and sense of taste.
Ya. It's true.
They did a test where they let men inhale Cupolin before showing them pictures of not-so-attractive women.
The result--------> Women that men usually find unattractive are rated attractive.
So funny.
Of course they said many other interesting stuff. This tops it all I guess.
Couldn't stop laughing.
But again, it's useful information.
Ask anything from your boyfriend during that time confirm get.
Maybe should try.