I liked this song when I first heard it. After really listening to the lyrics, I don't like it anymore. I find it very disturbing and gelifying. Ewww. Why use such metaphors to describe love? It's sadistic, suicidal and most definitely gives me the creeps. Can't listen to the song without having chills up and down my spines.
Had a packed weekend. Went for supper with 3rd room(Siow Nee), baby(Kah Thye) and Chris(3rd room's ji mui) yesterday. It was great catching up with them. 3rd room say I fat d. T.T Better start doing something. *Yawn* so tired. Came back at 1 a.m yesterday. Tak cukup tidur!
Easter cantata coming up. Wonder if any of my friends coming. Hoping they'll come.
Watched Ah Long on Thursday. Funny and enjoyable but not my cup of tea. It ain't that bad, just not something I can fully appreciate.
Senior found out I'm a banana last friday. ^_^!
The conversation goes:
Senior: Call client and email the document to them on Monday and fax also.
Me: Call who?
Senior: It's on the yellow post it wat.
Me: Where got!
Senior: Wanna bet..RM10...
Me: Dowan...
(Senior takes out file and shows on the yellow post it)
Senior: Nah. There.
Me: It's in chinese. I can't read...-_-
Senior: Ohhhhh...
Much much later
Senior: You really can't read chinese ar?
Me: Ya.. ^_^!
Senior: (walks away, turns back and say...) Geez, I'm better than you.
Me: -_-!